If you still do not pay attention to the details in your life, you will suffer one day for the
carelessness. The others may feel confused with your gender by your crazy behaviors. If
you can keep being reserved, they would feel you are with the sense of mystery
Particular Two: Beautiful does not equal to charming
Not all the beautiful women have feminine charm. But all the women have feminine charm
are beautiful. Beautiful is just the appearance outside. Feminine is the true essence of
charm. It is better to do more work on your tastes, temperament, style of conversation and
manners rather than only pursuing being beautiful.
Particular Three: Vivid personality
Personality is the source of female charm. No matter from your clothes or social manners,
it will show your attitude towards life. Thus, you need to develop your own style that could
leave a deep impression on the other. You are unique and special.
Particular Four: Appropriate sexy
A nice dress that fits your figure well or a set of sexy costume can lift you up. Take the
time and purchase your costume. But being sexy does not mean you should make most of
your skin revealing. The sexy you want to show also need to be matched with a pair of
high-heel shoes and good makeup.
Particular Five: Build friendship with the opposite sex
Normally, women with feminine charm can do well with men. They do not mind to keep
skin contact with them and they are neither too conservative nor too playful.
Their relationship between men lies on the fact that they have common topics. In this way, they
can use their wisdom to get along with them like intimate friends.
Particular Six: Learn to make compliments
Praise is one of the best virtues for human beings. Especially, if the beauties are good at
praising the others, they would be warmly welcomed everywhere. It is the most beautiful
part of a female to be tolerant, never be hypercritical. They will always discover the merits
of the others.
Particular Seven: A sense of humor
Humor stands for the grace of a female. She will never gossip. She is equipped with both
sensibilities and rationality. These two will make her feminine last forever.