Today I'm going to talk about the sweet Lolita dress. Well, you may say it's no big
deal. When we mention the word sweet, we would probably think of the lovely
princess, with pink all over. That's true. But there is also some different explanations
for the sweet. We could refer the sweet to the purity. Of course that's one of the
explanations. So let's first see this. Purity? When we say purity, we mean the snow
white. Everything in our eyes are pure white. And we could get a piece of comfort and
purity when we are sinking ourselves in to this kind of world. You could make
yourself seem like a pure snow white. This is rather cool, which is very sexy at the
same time.
But if you are not that snow white kind, you could also have a try for another sweet
Lolita dress. So what's it? That's the luxury style. You don't want to expose yourself
pretty much, then you could perfectly hide yourself under the make up of a luxury
sweet Lolita dress. Very thick make up and intricate jewelries will make you feel like
a person with some feelings inside, but not that in the exposure. That's a way to
express your hidden feelings. This kind of Lolita dress betrays a more sad sense than
the Gothic Lolita dress. But both are in mistery. If you want to find out the difference
clearly, you have to try those on. That's the best idea for you figure it out.