
How to select wedding photography

A chance to see article reproduced down come on hair, to jiuzhaigou wedding photography studio in a reference to the JM; Choose wedding photography brand is the QianShaoZhan wedding preparation, the battle must play beautiful! Take the marriage gauze, each with photography, dress, modelling win, was a huge poster of the store or sample photos attract, crashes into chengdu wedding photography shop but it didn't come out, maybe a lot of consumer experience. In comparison, the carefully selected without, the marriage gauze photo shoot out often hit they expected standard, superstition famous brand as the marriage gauze of reference consumers actual shooting photography, attached to a pile of gifts than should enjoy the service quality, maybe someone will ask in photography, dress, how should choose between modelling, the problem and no standard answer, but how to choose the suitable wedding photography brand, can probably from the following points to judge: 1, price; Wedding photography brand and other advertisement balloons as low price of goods are available, as same as the so-called marriage gauze boutique. First from price do screening, in accord with his budget wedding photography brand for the style, don't superstitious famous brand, every wedding photography brand is positive and negative of evaluation, and not the high quality the better consumer and not necessarily price economy lost level, price and content is must by comparing and fighting for, for booked for unique wedding photography brand, believe that price will not be the first choice elements. 2, chengdu celebration company services; Retail sales personnel and service will dominate the whole deal flow brings to consumers feel. Retail sales personnel is consumer and wedding photography company contact contact window, wedding package from the signing of the set to complete the transaction, retail sales personnel plays an important role, and the interactions between them based on trust, and on the basis of retail sales personnel must be responsible for and active, consumers will be relieved, wedding photography matters to retail sales personnel responsible for. Service quality is not hard to see clue, observe other consumer and the wedding photography of the company's personnel to respond, this will be an important reference index. 3, photographs; Photography and modelling is a wedding photos of importance chemical element, is also the average consumer marriage gauze photo of the most important style shows. Photography and modelling can reference friends and relatives or net friend of actual wedding photos, wedding photos can only reference samples of outlets can't completely believe, can also attracts more leaf through the magazine, find out their like style, in taking pictures with photographers, modelling division on the eve of communication discussion, not only to spend our search for writing the marriage gauze of photos, wedding photography is to show the new features, so want to select the most suitable style. Chengdu ceremony organizing warm reminder:
1 and in communication and photographers, must not say is too complex, decided to a style! See "natural", "beautiful", "fashion"............. Catch you two want to point is the key!
2, the day taking pictures will be hard to avoid nervous, but what all don't want to, as to play ~ ~ ~ guarantee of a good mood! In good humor would make the natural beautiful!
3, if it is to studio, will make clear, which subject is we can take in the set.
4, dress into taking pictures and wedding banquet two kinds, is also the only marriage gauze consumption can seeing is believing service. Taking pictures of the selected key in dress clipping and style, the wedding gowns is to pay attention to new and old and design, select the focus of attention to dress: style, style, old and new style, number amount, is suitable for yourself, and special attention to dress division of the restrictions, wedding photography company usually will dress division by this profit chengdu advertisement balloons.
Warm prompt:
1, if it was in the studio clap, almost don't have to consider the problems.
2, scarlett will dress is divided into: VIP area and extreme area. Acme area is paid to us,
3, Mrs King will dress is divided into: dress area and exhibit. The exhibit of designer is design, each with a will pay designer expenses, which, of course, cost us consumers yourself out.
Want to know more detailed, the individual thinks, can ask side in the related studio or studio taking pictures of friends, if I don't have such friends, that will have to run a trip in person.

Lolita Fashion: It's not what you think

If you see a teen girl or young woman dressed in a short skirt, over-the-knee socks and pastel fabrics covered in frills and bows, you might think about Lolita. And you should - just not the one from the book.
Lolita is a type of fashion that was inspired primarily by the clothing and general aesthetics of the Rococo and Victorian periods. The fashion movement, which started in Japan in the 1980s, symbolized a rebellion against the reserved Japanese way of life and was a way for young people to stand out and express themselves.
Today, the fashion has spread to subcultures around the world, including the United States. Despite name and the connotation it holds from Vladimir Nabokov's novel of the same name, some girls who feel beautiful in the clothing and have the confidence to pull it off have embraced the fashion.
"Lolita means elegance and innocence in a world so focused on conformity and sexuality," says Grace Scott, 21. "It's an escape from what I see around me that I personally have nothing in common with. I'm the princess of my own world."
Lolita: Genesis of confusion?
Grace strives to bring Victorian values into her daily life - like the idea that women should know how to cook, sew and play an instrument. She wears Lolita because it makes her feel beautiful.
"When people ask me about the fashion and I call it Lolita, they tend to cringe and automatically their thoughts go to the novel," says Grace.
In Nabokov's novel, "Lolita," a middle-aged man named Humbert Humbert becomes obsessed and sexually involved with 12-year-old Dolores Haze. His private nickname for Delores is Lolita, which explains how the name has come to represent a sexually promiscuous schoolgirl.
The confusion between the two uses of the word is ironic. When it comes to the fashion, the term "Lolita" only refers to the child-like nature of some Lolita styles. People who choose to wear it are expressing values that are exactly the opposite of Delores'.
"I think Lolita appeals to women who don't want to conform to the current norms of society. Women today seem to be empowered by showing off as much of their bodies as possible," says Grace. "Lolita is a rather conservative style. It's elegant, relatively innocent looking and classy in a society where practically flashing people is now seen as appropriate."
Strict guidelines
While some fashions are open to being changed and individualized, Lolitas get their look by following a strict set of guidelines to create a proper outfit.
Lolitas don't want to show too much skin. Their fashion is meant to be modest. Skirts are short - but no shorter than two inches above the knee - so Lolitas wear thick, opaque knee-length socks rather than sheer tights that can look too sexy. They pair the bell-shaped skirts with a collared, Peter Pan-style blouse.
Lolitas can learn how to put together a proper Lolita outfit from other Lolitas in online communities or from the "Gothic and Lolita Bible."
The rules of Lolita fashion aren't made to limit the wearers. Their purpose is to preserve the style and define it from other fashions.
Lolita for everyone?
Outside of Japan, Gothic Lolita is the most common type. The style is primarily influenced by Victorian-inspired Goth style and not cyber Goth or industrial style.
There are more than a dozen types of Lolita, including sweet, country, casual, classic, sailor, punk, Kodona (boystyle) and more.
Caitlin Sheldon, 25, was first introduced to Lolita fashion when she saw it worn by characters in the Paradise Kiss manga. She was drawn to the old-fashioned, elegant, yet stylish and fun clothing.
"I love to sew, and making Lolita clothes was a new challenge for me to try," she says.
Over the years, Caitlin has often worn Sweet Lolita, which is the most over-the-top style and also the most child-like of the Lolita styles. It is full of bows, ruffles and pastels.
Outfits are commonly sewn from fabrics with themes of toys, strawberries, cherries, cakes and candies, hearts, polka dots and flowers. Prints inspired by fairytales, like the Alice in Wonderland fabric Caitlin chose for a dress, are also common.

Aristocrat Lolita is a more mature style. In general, lace and bows are replaced by high corseted waists, fitted jackets with tailcoats, frilly shirts and top hats.
Kodona, or boystyle, involves more masculine clothing but with feminine touches for shoes and accessories. Usually women wear the style, not men, but either can wear it.
For some people, Lolita is more than a way of dressing. Girls who live a Lolita lifestyle try to live like princesses, surrounding themselves with beautiful things. They may also take part in old-fashioned activities that women in the Victorian and Rococo periods did, such as embroidering, sewing, baking and having tea parties.
"One of the main reasons I like the fashion so much and am so passionate about it is not only because of the clothes, but because of the characteristics of a person that is Lolita. For example, being polite, outspoken when needed, creative and cultured," says 21-year-old Caitlin Sbiroli.
She believes that being a true Lolita means acting the part even if you cannot dress in Lolita every day.
Standing out?
Joni Zucker, 19, became interested in Gothic fashion in middle school, a time when she wanted to stand out. Later, she discovered more historical fashion through movies such as "Sweeney Todd." She fell in love with the dark and frilly look.

She was hooked when a friend introduced her to a Japanese visual kei rock band, Malice Mizer. She loved the clothing worn by the leader and guitarist of the group, Mana (Moi Dix Mois). Also a fashion designer, his clothing helped make the Japanese Goth Lolita fashion movement popular.
Joni says people are usually interested and curious about her look and seem to like the way she's dressed.
"Most of the reactions I get are very positive," she says. "People will say things like 'You should be a model!' or 'You look like a doll!'"
But not everyone is so polite. Sometimes people stare or say rude things.
Once when Joni was walking along a road with her friend, someone threw a water bottle at her from a car window, a reaction that has made her hate wearing Lolita in public and when she's alone.
"No matter how a girl is dressed, she will attract unwanted attention at some point," says Joni. "I think a man who will give that kind of attention to a young girl, regardless of how she is dressed, has a serious problem and is a potential danger to any girl."
Grace has also dealt with weird stares from people, and scoffs from people of all ages, but she doesn't let it discourage her.
"Wearing Lolita brings a lot of attention, and it won't be well received at first," says Grace. "It requires a lot of courage. If you have the confidence to walk into school one day and say, 'This is what I want to do' then go for it."

Read more here: http://www.bellinghamherald.com/2012/09/13/2688405/lolita-fashion-its-not-what-you.html#storylink=cpy

Huszonöt konténer jön haza a magyarok bagláni táborából

Mintegy 25 konténernyi szakanyagot hoznak haza a magyar Tartományi Újjáépítési Csoport (PRT) Afganisztánból való kivonulásával - közölte a Honvédelmi Minisztérium vasárnap az MTI-vel közleményben.

Magyarország 2006 óta működtet tartományi újjáépítési csoportot az Afganisztán északi részén fekvő Baglán tartományban. A magyar vezetésű PRT ez év tavaszán fejezi be a feladatát, a Magyar Honvédség kivonja e kontingensét Baglán tartományból. Ezzel egy időben Magyarország a tartományi fejlesztési tevékenységét is befejezi Afganisztánban.

MTI Fotó: Koszticsák Szilárd
A HM közleménye szerint Domján László vezérőrnagy, a Magyar Honvédség Összhaderőnemi Parancsnokság (MH ÖHP) parancsnoka az MH Tartományi Újjáépítési Csoport (MH PRT) tevékenységét lezáró ünnepi eseményt követően - folytatva afganisztáni körútját - meglátogatta a honvédség Kabulba és Mazari-Sarifba települt katonai kontingenseit, ahol tájékozódott az aktuális feladatokról és találkozott az ott szolgáló állománnyal is.
A magyar katonai kontingensek logisztikai ellátását biztosító - Mazari-Sarifba és Kabulba települt - Magyar Honvédség Nemzeti Támogató Elem 6. váltásának parancsnoka, Zentai László ezredes, a PRT kivonásával kapcsolatos feladatokról az ÖHP parancsnoknak elmondta, hogy a Tartományi Újjáépítési Csoporttól csaknem 40 konténernyi szakanyagot hoznak el, s ebből mintegy 25 konténert szállítanak majd Magyarországra. A PRT által használt eszközök és járművek egy részét az Afganisztánban tevékenykedő magyar kontingensekhez csoportosítják át, míg a hadszíntéri segélyként az amerikai partnertől kapott technika egy részét visszaadják az amerikai hadseregnek - tájékoztatta az ezredes Domján Lászlót.
A Magyar Honvédség legnagyobb létszámú missziós szerepvállalása a kabuli repülőtér védelmét ellátó mintegy 230 fős MH Kabuli Nemzetközi Repülőtér Őr- és Biztosító Kontingens. Benda László ezredes, kontingensparancsok tájékoztatása szerint a magyar katonák a feladatátvétel után átalakították a repülőtér védelmét, amely ezáltal sokkal biztonságosabbá vált. A magyar katonák a marseille-i reptér forgalmához hasonló kabuli légikikötő katonai részének zavartalan működéséért és a reptér területének kerítésen belüli védelméért felelnek.
A NATO ENSZ BT mandátum alapján indult műveletben jelenleg 50 ország több mint 100 ezer katonája szolgál a NATO Nemzetközi Biztonsági és Együttműködő Erők (ISAF) kötelékében. Afganisztán továbbra is a NATO első számú missziója. A Magyar Honvédség mintegy 1000 katonával vesz részt nemzetközi béketámogató műveletekben, amelyből több mint 530 állomásozik Afganisztánban, összesen 8 kontingensben.


Animated Halloween Costume Shows Your Guts Being Ripped Out Through Your Back

Last year we wrote about Mark Rober  and his Digital Dudz , a line of shirts and corresponding smartphone apps that create animated Halloween costumes. This year, Mark is back with a new animation for his collection  that displays a hand punching through your back and ripping your guts out. The gruesome animation is triggered by a smartphone’s internal motion sensor. When a friend pretends to punch his hand through your back and you arch your back, the gut ripping animation begins. Mark and his undead friend demonstrates how it works  in his video above. The Digital Dudz apps (Apple  and Android ) and custom clothes  are available to purchase online.
Gut-Ripping iPhone Halloween Costume


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